Here is a collection of very short games organised by tactical theme. The main aim is to give you a quick run-through the basic tactical ideas in genuine positions. One advantage of using short games is that you can set the positions up on a board very quickly and accurately. You can of course just use the diagrams as test positions.
I have selected as many of the games as possible from opening systems that are commonly recommended for improving players. This is the great main highway of chess, and the views to either side are wonderful.
A note for teachers and coaches
Anyone could have done this, and maybe you would have done it better, but you might find it useful that it has been done by someone else.
I find it as easy to play over a short game from the start position as it is to set up a position from scratch, so when working with players over a board I like to use this type of example.
Nearly all the games start 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3, which I hope means they will connect with, and reinforce, good opening principles for learner players, and show poor play punished. The exciting main lines of the Max Lange and Fried Liver Attacks feature throughout, and Damiano’s Defence endures some terrible beatings. There is an opening index by ECO code so you can run through several tactical ideas associated with one opening or even one variation.
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